Thursday 18 May 2017

Pastor Brandon Bailey speaks on "Faith"

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Do you remember the early days of your faith?
The days when you were radical and could not be intimidated by human limitations and would just ask your Father to do it for you.
Now you are older and everything you do is calculated and predetermined based on personal capacity.

You look at yourself when you have to make significant decisions that require deep and sincere faith.

You claim to operate in faith but you know deep down everything you have done up to this point was risk free and achieved based on your own ability.

You wont make a significant move because you think you will have to carry the cost for the next phase.....

I am not saying be foolish, I am simply saying return to the faith you once knew.

Stop giving God the glory for a life you have built solely on personal capacity, a life that is risk free, predictable and safe.

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