Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Hallelujah challenge sweeping across Nigeria by Uju Okorie

18th century Britain was greeted with an epidemic of binge drinking, gambling and no less than ten thousand prostitutes on the streets of London.
The nation had descended into a cesspit of moral decadence. Not only had this affected the personal lives of a great deal of people, it had also affected the economic atmosphere of the country.
Then what happened?
Two men, John Wesley and George Whitefield began a spiritual movement in the country.
These men birthed a revolution in Great Britain, a revival that massively increased church attendance, emptied gambling pubs, turned thousands of people to Jesus and raised men like William Wilberforce, who by the persuasion of the gospel launched a campaign into the political sphere that saw to the end of the slave trade in the entire British Empire.
True spiritual revivals are not mere religious circus displays. History has proven them to possess the capacity to not only change the hearts of people, but to directly affect the political, social and economic atmosphere of any nation in which they happen.
Today, I am talking about the current #HallelujahChallenge being pioneered by the gospel minister Nathaniel Bassey.
I can tell from my experience of participating in this challenge in the last few days, that it isn't merely geared towards attracting people to get God do their biddings: The bread and fish phenomenon Christ spoke about.
Not at all.
It is rather geared towards getting all God's children into being aligned with His purpose and will for their lives, into repentance, turning away from sin and indeed, a massive dependence on His sovereignty in their personal affairs.
While there are yet no indications whatsoever that Brother Nath intended this to be a sort of national revolution or anything close to being it, as he has merely called God's people into a praise session and nothing more, I am convinced that if it pleases the Lord, it would definitely get to that point.
So, this recent social media resistance to this gathering of God's children, obviously laced with bitter antagonism and downright moral discomfort is indeed amusing.
Umunne m, it is funny as it is pathetic!
Biko, wetin consign okuko with toothbrush?😂
You do not believe in the power of The Almighty, in His long and outstretched arm, in the move of the Spirit across a land.
In fact, you are obviously ignorant of the tremendous spiritual and social impact of the historically documented Welsh revival, the Azusa street revival and many others which gave birth to men and women who changed the world, influenced inventions, touched lives, emptied brothels.
And you are writing thesis on top our Hallelujah challenge?
Mbok, wetin consign you?
I've seen testimonies of my friends on Facebook, wonderful things taking place, people turning their lives to the power of Jesus, people repenting of their sins.
What could be negative about things like this, please?
I do not believe in the existence of Santa Claus from any galaxy anywhere. So, when I see children discussing how they hope he would get them what they want for Christmas, it would indeed be an evidence of insanity if I launched myself into their midst, cursing and swearing.
I would simply smile and walk on by. Because I do not believe. Sane logic.
How a group of individuals have found it impossible to apply this same simple principle to a gathering which they consider an absolute waste of sense, beggars belief.
It is either there is a struggle within them which they have chosen to fight with masks of titles and pseudo-intellectualism, or the services of my colleagues in the psychiatry department should be urgently sought.
Couple of years ago, a group of highly educated individuals gathered to listen to a debate between the renowned Professor John Lennox and the late Christopher Hitchens on the topic "Can atheism save Europe?"
At the end, the majority of the sitting audience agreed that atheism would be the destruction of Europe. Hitchens left the gathering in shame.
The Welsh revival is picking up once again.
A recent poll revealed that about 80% of British people pray. Following the Manchester bombing, churches are filling up.
The Hallelujah challenge is sweeping across Nigeria.
God is moving, in life-transforming ways.
Friend, ignore the noise-makers.
Join us tonight and every night till the end of June.
Olowogbogboro is at work.
Blessed be His holy name!🙌🏾
Story credits: BIOY; 13th June, 2017.

by, Uju Okorie

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