Sunday, 21 May 2017

My thought on new revelation... Pst.Poju Oyemade

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When people say we have found new revelation in God's word, they should not be despised nor talked down but they should be told to live out their truth before they seek to teach and impose it on others.

It was the things Jesus began to do and to teach not just things Jesus taught. Practice those things, let's wait for 3 to 5 years to see the effect of your new found insight upon your own life. In the meantime, we will keep what has been working so powerfully for us until we can see your superior life in Christ.

Did Paul not say meditate upon these things give yourself wholly....that thy profiting may appear unto all.
Don't tell me what you know, show me what you know. Nicodemus didn't come to Jesus saying Rabbi thou art a teacher from God for no man can teach these things except God be with him. He said no man can do these things except....
You must be born-again was so that you can express works not use enticing words of man's wisdom.
Liberal theology has always proven itself to be disastrous, it's only a matter of time. The sins that always break out in their midst, when heard of, cause the ear to tingle.

Pastor Poju Oyemade is Founder and Senior Pastor of The Covenant Christian Centre, Iganmu, Lagos, Nigeria.

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